My name is Luca Olivari, I'm a technology enthusiast living in Italy. I was born in 1979 and I've created this blog having in mind a nice place to share thoughts about Marketing, Communication, Advertising and other interestingness.
I'm currently working in Sun Microsystems as a Systems Engineer in MySQL Global Software practice (but that's my job) and in my spare time I read, take pictures, travel, run and surf web2.0 sites. I'm interested in technology, science, marketing, communication, advertising, picture, classic books and many other things.
If you are in sync with my interests or you simply like to share something this is the right place.
Feel free to add comment to this post if you like to contribute in any other way to this blog.
I'm glad to meet you all!
If you want to look at some information about my work let's have a look at
To see more information about me please locate my LinkedIn Profile on
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